Sanga English Medium Secondary School is a popular school in Banepa. SHIVA Charity has helped its development with teachers' resources training, music lessons, providing guitars, keyboards and music booklets.
The educational system in Nepal has plenty of room for improvement. Teachers are often untrained and there are a lack of resources and funding. Music, drama, and art are not on the curriculum. Sports facilities are rarely adequate. Core curriculum subjects are taught mostly by copying from the board and the emphasis is on gaining good marks for the yearly exams. Boys are considered more important than girls, both at school and at home. Cheating at the Exam Centres is a big problem that the government is trying to tackle.
SHIVA Charity has tried with its resources training and with its own printed booklets, to address some of these problems. We have insisted that Sanga School has no physical punishment, and we have given the teachers regular training in using resources and making lessons more enjoyable, and child-centred. It has been an uphill struggle but very rewarding.
Phone: 07779 389778/ 07831 687181
Stock Farm, Stock Lane, Langford,
Bristol BS40 5EU