Friends of Midnapore - Newsletter June 2020

Jack Easter • April 24, 2021

Supporting pre-primary schools in West Bengal

Beautiful West Bengal – change and continuity – paddy fields recently flooded to create vast lucrative fish farms, shimmering reflections of squat red-roofed village houses and diving water birds.

Yet we find continuity and stability in the small rural villages where our schools serve their communities. As ever, my annual visit reassures me that good work is happening here. The teachers run their schools with a confidence coming from the daily practice of their skills yet they are ever open to new ideas and innovation.

A collection of locally gathered leaves are used to develop hand eye coordination and social skills whilst creating a group collage. Peace and calm prevail whilst they work.

Students’ attention is held with colourful real objects that are part of a young child’s life’s experience. Glossy peppers and

apples are passed to eager hands, discussed and named.

Teachers meet to make their own teaching materials and share well-used ideas. Materials are carefully and respectfully stored, protected against wind, rain, dust and paper-boring insects. So many challenges in this tropical climate.

Parents appreciate the firm yet caring ways of these local known women who are our teachers, and the inclusive learning atmosphere created.

A big thankyou from myself and all the wonderful teachers of West Bengal

By Jack Easter January 15, 2021
Sadly Maggie is unable to visit the Midnapore village schools this year. She is missing the familiar scenes of village life at this attractive time of the year. The climate is gently warming, mosquitoes are few, farmers are ankle deep in water, planting the fresh green shoots of the paddy crop and the vegetable gardens are full of cabbages, cauliflower and tomatoes. It’s a pleasure to drive the dusty roads on Kustav’s motorbike as we happily exchange school news that he can share as the schools supervisor. Approaching each village we would hear the guiding voice of the teacher and the loud enthusiastic responses from the students. However, these are happy memories from other years.
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